Thursday, February 21, 2008

Exam - Photoshop

To create my own original Photoshop artwork from one of our Lessons, I opened the 04Working.psd through Adobe bridge. First, I saved a copy of this art (to my desktop, since my studenthome file is full). I then selected the Yellow Pepper layer, and used the Magnetic lasso tool to select the yellow pepper. I dragged copies of the pepper above and below the original pepper by using the Move tool to drag them while holding down Alt (in order to make a copy). I deleted all the other vegetables by selecting them with the Magnetic lasso tool, selecting their layer, and using the command 'Edit>Cut'. I then turned off the visibility of all of the vegetable layers except the Yellow Pepper layer and the Tomato layer. I then selected the highest pepper using, again, the Magnetic lasso tool. I chose the Paintbrush tool, set the opacity to 50%, and chose a red color, moving the brush back and forth in the selection to color the pepper (including the stem) red. I then did the same to the bottom pepper, except I used blue. I then decided that I did not want to include the tomato in my art either, so I turned off the visibility of the Tomato layer as well. I then chose the command 'delete hidden layers' from the Layers panel drop menu. At this point I had only one layer; Yellow Pepper. Then, one by one, I selected each pepper using the the Quick Selection tool and used the command Image>Adjustments>Posterize and set in the Posterize dialog box the red pepper to 5, the yellow pepper to 4, and the blue pepper to 6. I then used the Lasso tool to select and delete the leftover scraps. This completes the Andy Warhol-esque artwork!

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