Friday, March 28, 2008


Today I got to step 12 of 'Preparing the layers that will be masked' on pg 157. I learned about importing layers from an illustrator file, organizing the timeline, editing symbols (using the property inspector and altering the timeline), duplicating animated symbols (by pressing alt and dragging an image to a new location), adding layers, animating and creating nested symbols, breaking apart symbols using Modify> Break Apart, and masking layers. This relates to TEKs 6(a), describing the properties and characteristics of computer-related hardware and software, and 7(b), following safety manual, instructions, and requirements. One of the projects I'll be starting soon, coming up with a product and making an advertisement for it using the computer programs which we've been studying, relates to TEKs 9(b), developing a plan for completing a project, 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, and 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service.

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