Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2, 2008

Today I showed Mr. Bjerke the books I found that I plan to put on an archive site for my project. One of them, Alexander and the Magic Mouse was too recently published to use (1969), but the other, a book which contains the stories of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland illustrated beautifully, was published in 1957, so the copyright is expired, which means I can use it. Yay! I plan to take pictures of each page using a tripod and digital camera, and perhaps a scanner for high resolution on the pictures. I also started Dreamweaver today. I didn't get too far, because of project planning (which relates to TEKs 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project, and 9(b), developing a plan for completing a project) and catching up on blogs. But anyway, I got to step 1 of 'Adding new images', which taught me some basic information about the location of tools in Dreamweaver. My work today also relates to TEK 6(a), describing the properties and characteristics of computer-related hardware and software.

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