Friday, May 30, 2008

The Last Day

Well, I have completed my final... It is so strange when something is happening for the last time! This is my last Computer Applications period. Wow.
In honor of summer, here is some beautiful artwork by Elizabeth Peyton. Is she not the most amazing?!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ohhhhh - we are so close to the end of school! It is becoming quite difficult to focus. Anyway, today we turned in our Final Project portfolio. It is quite a relief, I must say. I am also working on figuring out if I need to do anything else, and still catching up on blogs - I am finally completely updated. Today's work relates to TEKs 18(g), using time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines, and 18(h), completing work according to established criteria.
And luckily, any team who earns 90% of all of the points in this project, and turns in everything on time, will receive a 100 on the final exam - so I don't think I'll have a final tomorrow! YAY!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28

Today I will finish the introduction, catch up on blogs, and work on documentation. I was not able to print last night, so I will be doing that today. Work today relates to TEKs 18(g), using time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines, 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, and 9(a), participating in the organization and operation of a real or simulated computer project.

May 27

Today I designed the cover and spine for the portfolio in Photoshop, and began writing the introduction. I printed some of the pages this past weekend, but couldn't print the jpgs; I will print them tonight and tomorrow at either the computer lab, or the printer at my mom's house. This relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images; 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project; and 18(g), use time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines.

May 23

Today I worked on parts of the portfolio such as the introduction, grade forms, and corrective formatting... I also worked on catching up on blogs. I will try to print this weekend, if my printer is working, and will be making the CD of all the assignments. This relates to TEKs 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, and 9(b), developing a plan for completing a computer project.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22

Today I will be completing the Video Spot using Flash. I will be adding sound, and extending the length of the advertisement slightly. Tonight I plan to purchase the CD, binder, and page dividers for the portfolio, and hopefully go to Ginny's or Kinkos, or something, to print all the parts out. This relates to TEKs 2(d), identifying and describing the roles of computer technology, 3(a), developing or improving a product or system that meets specified objectives, 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project, and 18(g), using time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines.

21 May

Today I continued working on the video spot, and finishing the animation, through means such as the Text tool, the Brush tool, the Move tool, and by adding keyframes to the timeline. Tomorrow I will be adding sound - a cut version of the previously recorded radio spot. This relates to TEKs 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project, and 9(b), developing a plan for completing a project.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 20

Today I started the Video spot yet again. This time it is working pretty well. I used the same photo of a bag that I used in the other advertisements, changing the color in Photoshop using Image>Adjustments>Color balance, and removing the background using Filter>Extract. I pasted it into Flash, and began the animation, as well, which consists of little animals - a bunny, something pink, and a cat - moving across the stage around the bag, in addition to the name of the product appearing. This relates to TEKs 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n), idea, product, or service, 7(b), following safety manuals, instructions, and requirements, and 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

19 May 2008

Today I started the video spot in Flash. I must say, I am not much of a hand at animation! It is quite frustrating. My plan for the video was originally to have an animation of a girl shopping & choosing a reusable bag over paper or plastic, but it wasn't working very well; so, I started a new one in which a shape moves around to turn into a bag. Hmm... I think I might start over again tomorrow. Work today relates to TEKs 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project; 6(d), using a variety of computer resources to complete a project; and 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16

Today I am recording the Radio Spot using Audacity. We managed to do both the voice and music recordings during this class. Haha! Tomorrow we will be able to start the Video Spot. This work relates to TEKs 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service; 13(b), applying critical-thinking strategies to the analysis and evaluation of proposed technological solutions; and 9(a), participating in the organization and operation of a real or simulated computer project.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May Fifteenth

Today I wrote the script for the radio spot, and looked for the music for it, but did not get to start recording because someone else was using the microphone. Hmm. Well, I suppose I will be doing that tomorrow. Today's work relates to TEKs 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service, and 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fourteenth of May

Web Banner

Today I finished the Web Banner that is due. To complete this image I used the Text tool in Photoshop to add the main body of text and the 'by greenwork' line. I copied and pasted the flower picture into a Word document to change its size, and then pasted a copy of this into the Photoshop file, and used Filter>Extract to remove the background. I used the Brush tool to draw the red dots next to the flower. This relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, and 18(h), completing work according to established criteria.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May Thirteenth

Web Ad

Today we I finished the Web Ad and started the Web Banner that is due tomorrow. I added the red flower by copying and pasting, and then using Filter>Extract to remove its white background. I then saved the file as a CMYK jpg and and RBG jpg. To create the Web Banner, I created a file with the specified dimensions, created a colored rectangle of the same size, added text from an Adobe Illustrator file I had previously worked on with the Text tool, and added the picture of the bag, removing its background using Filter>Extract. I shall finish it tomorrow... This relates to TEKs 7(b), following safety manuals, instructions, and requirements, 9(a), participating in the organization and operation of a real or simulated computer project, and 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Today I worked on the web ad that is due tomorrow. I started by creating a file in Photoshop with the dimensions specified in the project requirements - 160 by 600 pixels. I then made an orange rectangle using the Rectangle tool with the same measurements for a background, pasted a photo of a bag into the document, and removed it's background using Filter>Extract. I then changed this image's color to blue using Image>Adjustments>Channel Mixer, and moving the Cyan slider to 100. I then added text in two different layers with the Text tool. This relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, and 6(d), using a variety of computer resources to complete a project.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Today I was absent during this class because of a dentist appointment. Soooo, to turn in our Web Page on time I came in during lunch, finished it, and turned it in. This relates to TEKs 18(g), using time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines, and 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Print Ad 2

We will be advertising in the Austin Chronicle and Austin American Statesman. We chose these newspapers because they will provide local advertising, which is our primary objective – as our products are handmade and we have goals about environmental health, it is best for our business to have a fairy small group of buyers which do not require the product to be transported long distances. These newspapers have a wide range of audience members as well; magazines often have very specific target audiences, and advertising in these publications make up for any gaps in possible buyers.

Today we finished Print Ad 2 and its explanation and worked on the web page that is due tomorrow. We used Dreamweaver to create our web page. This relates to TEKs 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service, and 18(h), completing work according to established criteria.


Today I finished Print Ad 2 (above). I need to do the write up for it tomorrow... As you can see, I worked with text quite a bit today, which gave me more practice with the Text tool in Photoshop. This also helped me learn about the process and methods of advertising a product. Work today relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, and 7(b), following instructions, safety manuals, and requirements.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today I worked on my gradesheet, started the web page and worked briefly on Print Ad 2. I re-learned a bit about html and creating websites, and got more practice using Photoshop... This relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, 6(b), identifying, selecting, and sequencing the proper computer resources to complete a project, and 9(b), developing a plan for completing a project. Tomorrow I shall continue with the Print Ad.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Print Ad 1

We will be advertising in publications such as Real Simple, Living, Nylon Magazine, and Rare Magazine, as well as one travel and one sports magazine. These magazines have a range of target audiences; Real Simple and Living are generally read by adult females, Nylon is usually read by adult and teenage females, Rare Magazine and travel magazines are read by both genders of all ages, and sports magazines are often read primarily by males. The image design in our advertisement is probably more appealing to females, but also targets the general population with the description of the product’s ethical benefits.

Today I finished Print Ad 1, which relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, and 18(h), completing work according to established criteria.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today is a shortened class like the one on Tuesday. I have worked on the First Print Ad some more. I mostly worked with the Text tool, and am very close to completing the ad. On Monday I will do the write-up. This relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, 9(b), developing a plan for completing a project, and 18(g), using time management techniques to develop and maintain work schedules and meet deadlines.


No class today because of TAKS mania.


Today I continued working on Print Ad 1 in Photoshop. It looks pretty good; next time I'll try to put the finishing touches and start the explanatory document... Also, gmail will not let me log on; it spends the whole period just loading, and never working! Rrrr. Hopefully it will work next time. Today's work relates to TEKs 3(c), using graphic software to create and modify images, and 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service.