Thursday, May 8, 2008

Print Ad 2

We will be advertising in the Austin Chronicle and Austin American Statesman. We chose these newspapers because they will provide local advertising, which is our primary objective – as our products are handmade and we have goals about environmental health, it is best for our business to have a fairy small group of buyers which do not require the product to be transported long distances. These newspapers have a wide range of audience members as well; magazines often have very specific target audiences, and advertising in these publications make up for any gaps in possible buyers.

Today we finished Print Ad 2 and its explanation and worked on the web page that is due tomorrow. We used Dreamweaver to create our web page. This relates to TEKs 13(c), applying decision-making techniques to the selection of computer technology, 16(a), preparing a marketing plan for a(n) idea, product, or service, and 18(h), completing work according to established criteria.

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