Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27 Definitions

CMYK - the four process colours used as standard for full colour printing: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (known as the Key, hence "K").
four color process printing - printing and reproduction of full color images using the four process printing colors (cyan, yellow, magenta, and black) to create an image with an indefinite number of resultant colors.
RGB - The primary additive colors used in display devices and scanners. Commonly used to refer to the color space, mixing system or monitor in color computer graphics. (Red, green, blue)
additive color - Color created by superimposing light rays, adding(superimposing) the three physical primaries (lights) - red, blue, and green - will produce white. The secondaries are magenta, yellow, and cyan.
subtractive color - The color model of ink on paper, in which the primary colors (cyan, magenta, and yellow), when taken away, make white. Sometimes called reflective color. See also CMYK; additive color.
vector image - image created with basic geometrical primitives, such as points, lines, curves, and polygons, in computer graphics.
raster image - a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, viewable through a computer monitor, paper, or other display medium. They are commonly stored in image files with varying formats.
pixel - One of the small units that make up an image on a computer or television screen. It is derived from the words picture and element to make pixel.
path - in a graph, sequence of vertices such that from each of its vertices there is an edge to the next vertex in the sequence. The first vertex is called the start vertex and the last vertex is called the end vertex. Both of them are called end or terminal vertices of the path. The other vertices in the path are internal vertices.
Adobe Illustrator - vector based drawing program developed and marketed by Adobe Systems
swatch - A color sample
mask - In color separation photography, an intermediate photographic negative or positive used in color correction. In offset lithography, opaque material used to protect open or selected areas of a printing plate during exposure.
laser printer - a high quality image printing system using a laser beam to produce an image on a photosensitive drum. The image is transferred on to paper by a conventional xerographic printing process. Currently, most laser printers set at 300dpi with newer models operating at up to 600dpi.
inkjet printer - An inexpensive printer that uses finely directed sprays of cyan, magenta, yellow, and (usually) black ink to produce the text and images. Color printout is achieved in one pass. Inkjet printers support many different media sizes and output resolutions.
toner - a powdery substance used instead of ink in laser printers - contained in cartridge



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